Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Finally...Assignment 1 Completed...

This is my final output of Assignment 1~~
Based on the theme of Global Warming, I have designed this logo made up by shapes...
On my logo that I designed, there are humans hand in hand around the globe.That symbolize all people from different country around the world working together take actions to against global warming and protecting the one and only world we have.
Above the earth, there are buildings, houses, green trees and grass that represent the wonderful, beautiful world that we live just like a paradise...Everybody have responsible to protect habitat and wildlife and lead to a good environment, healthy life and secure future.
Beside that, the heart shape around the globe is means of love. We love our world. Hence, we should try ourselves to get involved to support stop global warming activity.
To create this logo, I've normally used the pen tool to draw paths with curved and straight segments and create the shapes. Furthermore, I've also used the rotate, warp and scale tool to modify the line on my logo.
Moreover, I've colored my logo using appearance panel to edit the strokes. I've also used brushes panel to embellish my logo.

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Presentation Assignment 1~~~

First time using Illustrator all by myself...
Actually it's difficult and quite hard for me...
This time..
Failed to do it although I try my best..
But never mind..
I'll struggle and put my efforts on it !!!


Here is my first conception of symbol of Global Warming...